

How To Get Better Sleep At Night - The Swole Kitchen

4 Ways To Get Better Sleep At Night

Ever get jealous of those people who seem to fall asleep the moment their head hits the pillow. Unfortunately, if you’re like most people, you’re not one of them, especially if you’re reading this. So what do you do? Are you doomed forever to not falling asleep easily, not st...

Can Stress Cause A Fever? The Swole Kitchen

Can Stress Cause A Fever?

Everyone experiences stress to some level and some degree in their life. Stress wreaks havoc on our bodies and our minds. From weight gain to sleep issues, energy zaps and living ‘on edge’, stress can also cause our immune system to take a dive and contribute to long term issues lik...

8 Tips On How To Drink More Water - The Swole Kitchen

8 Tips On How To Drink More Water

Here at The Swole Kitchen one of the biggest lifestyle habits that we work with clients on, whether we’re helping them with nutrition, training, or both, is drinking more water. It can be a difficult habit to get into, but once you do, your body responds tenfold, thanking you in return with pr...

25 Quotes For Choosing Happiness When You Need A Reminder

25 Quotes For Choosing Happiness When You Need A Reminder

Often times we forget that happiness tends to be a choice, and if we wish to have it, a choice we must make often. Most times we don’t get out of bed gleaming with happiness from head to toe. It’s something we have to remind ourselves of, that we have to cultivate, and that we have ...

Self Sabotage Behavior - The Swole Kitchen

Self Sabotage Behavior - Why We Do It

As a nutrition coach, I see it all the time. We keep ourselves from truly succeeding because we have self sabotage behavior that creeps up and keeps us from our ultimate potential. Whether we recognize it or not, this self sabotage behavior can be rooted in a variety of things...

What Is Lactose Intolerance And How To Tell If You Have One by The Swole Kitchen

What Is Lactose Intolerance And Can You Self-Diagnose?

When our bodies don’t produce enough of the right enzymes to break down a food we can develop a sensitivity or a full blown intolerance to a food, food ingredient, or an entire food group. While inconvenient, then chances of you feeling better by recognizing these sensitivities and/...

Consistency Is More Important Than Perfection

Consistency Is More Important Than Perfection

When you’re on a nutrition improvement journey, the pressure and expectations we put on ourselves can often make it feel like there is no room for error. How could there be? You’re working for something, you’re changing, you’re prioritizing new things and often paying for new things,...

Why Are Strawberries Good For You

Why Are Strawberries Good For You

Growing up in Northern California, where strawberry fields are just about everywhere, the sweet, juicy, vibrant little fruit was available all through the warmer months. Varying in size and taste, while I knew I loved these little red strawberry morsels, yet I always w...